Flickr User Slideshow

We Can Not Belive !!!


7 wonders to reduce Global warming at your Home

1. Plant a Tree

Once in your life time at least, for your new born baby monkey !!!

Help him to live in good health on tomorrow

2. Use your "Off" Switch

 Not at all a hard work, just ‘’press’’ it, that is all when they are not in use.

3. Drive Effectively

Drive your vehicles in a Smarter and Cheaper Way for the nature, for the pocket and for you to stay in good health. CO emission is the pivot of Global Warming. 

4. Avoid Disposables

 Encourage reusable at our home at least! Or Begin with a regular carry bag!!! 

5. Change your light bulb.

 Use Compact Fluorescent Lamp. You may surprised like a child when you know  about the effect of this change!!

6. Feel the Nature.

Reduce usage of Air Cons, and Heaters. Find environmental substitute to beat it.

7. Encourage Others to Conserve 

This is what Global motive!!!

  ‘’To make you read, and you to make others to read from you’’


Sangeeth said...

Hi nice work dude...its very interesting..!!

aaaa said...

nice wrk